domingo, diciembre 23, 2012

Pausas de 10 minutos para mejorar la memoria

En este interesante blog


En este estudio realizado en la Universidad de Edimburgo se apreció
que, cuando las personas hacían una pequeña pausa después de una
tarea de aprendizaje (como aprender una cadena de números), podían
recordarlos mejor, en comparación con quienes no tuvieron la
posibilidad de tomar un descanso que consolidara el aprendizaje.

Para verificar si esta teoría se podía aplicar realmente al recuerdo
de las historias, los investigadores fueron más allá de las cadenas
de números y le pidieron a los participantes que leyesen una historia.
Siete días después, debían narrar todos los detalles que recordasen.
El punto clave fue que algunos leyeron la historia
ininterrumpidamente y otros tomaron pausas de 10 minutos.

Una vez más, aquellos que habían leído la historia haciendo pausas,
mostraban un recuerdo mejor. Lo más sorprendente de todo es que este
recuerdo se podía equiparar con la cantidad de detalles que brindaban
las personas que habían leído la historia de un tirón, tan solo 15 o
30 minutos después.

viernes, diciembre 14, 2012

Mantener niveles de glucosa para sostener la motivación

n the researchers' discussion of the results, they said, "At its core,
self-regulatory change involves overriding one response in order to
enable a different response. The stronger the initial response or
impulse, the more difficult the self-control task will be—and, we
would assume, the greater amount of energy in the form of blood
glucose the system would have to expend in order to succeed."1 We
agree with the researchers that glucose is likely to provide only a
short-term help in counteracting the performance impairment resulting
from prior effortful self-control because there will be counteracting
metabolic factors (such as the need to release insulin in order to be
able to use the glucose for energy) that prevent maintaining a high
level of energy from a given amount of glucose for very long. It
would be like trying to maintain the energy increasing effects of
caffeine by drinking a cup of coffee again and again. That doesn't
work for very long because the factors that provide the lift from
caffeine, such as the release of noradrenaline, are depleted after a

***In fact, you can extend the energy enhancing effect of caffeine by
taking nutrients the brain can use to make more noradrenaline, such
as the amino acids phenylalanine or tyrosine. In the case of glucose,
we would expect that taking nutrients along with glucose that improve
insulin sensitivity, such as chocolate, black tea, or cinnamon, might
extend the length of time you could extract energy from a given
amount of glucose.***

viernes, octubre 05, 2012

Estudian cómo el té verde mejora la memoria

"We ran tests on two groups of mice, one which had imbibed EGCG and a
control group," said Bai. "First the mice were trained for three days
to find a visible platform in their maze. Then they were trained for
seven days to find a hidden platform."

The team found that the EGCG treated mice required less time to find
the hidden platform. Overall the results revealed that EGCG enhances
learning and memory by improving object recognition and spatial memory.

"We have shown that the organic chemical EGCG acts directly to
increase the production of neural progenitor cells, both in glass
tests and in mice," concluded Bai. "This helps us to understand the
potential for EGCG, and green tea which contains it, to help combat
degenerative diseases and memory loss."

martes, agosto 07, 2012

La importancia de dormir

Dormir poco afecta la claridad de pensamiento aunque creamos que podemos adaptarnos.

La evaluación subjetiva falla, lo cual no es novedad y deberíamos tener en cuenta también cuando evaluamos tratamientos y suplementos.

La importancia de dormir

Dormir poco afecta la claridad de pensamiento aunque creamos que podemos adaptarnos.

La evaluación subjetiva falla, li cual no es novedad y deberíamos tener en cuenta también cuando vayamos tratamientos y suplementos.

martes, julio 17, 2012

Ginseng para problemas de atención?

J Diet Suppl. 2009;6(1):22-7.
Panax ginseng May Improve Some Symptoms of Attention-Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder.
Niederhofer H.

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Regional Hospital Bozen, Bolzano,

Objective. In this open trial, Panax ginseng, a serotonin and
norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, actually used as an antidepressant,
has been investigated for its efficacy in the treatment of attention-
deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) patients. Method. Three 14-17-
year-old male psychiatric outpatients, diagnosed with ADHD
disattention type have been rated at baseline and while taking Panax
ginseng to determine its efficacy as a treatment for ADHD.
Improvement was determined using comparisons of Conners' parent
ratings. Results. Patients' mean scores improved for Conners'
hyperactivity, inattention, and immaturity factors. Conclusions.
Although the sample size is very small and generalization is very
difficult, this observation indicates that Panax ginseng may be a
slightly effective treatment for ADHD.

[PubMed - in process]

martes, abril 24, 2012

Aumentar la inteligencia jugando dual n back

Una nota sobre la inteligencia y la posibilidad discutida de
incrementarla con recursos como el juego dual n back.

El juego se consigue gratis incluso para celulares.

domingo, marzo 11, 2012

La repetición espaciada mejora la retención en el estudio

La repetición espaciada parece funcionar para estudiar:

Spacing out learning over time leads to drastically improved retention.

Via Annie Murphy Paul at Time:

In more than two dozen studies published over the past five years, he
has demonstrated that spaced repetition works, increasing knowledge
retention by up to 50 percent. And Kerfoot's method is easily adapted
by anyone who needs to learn and remember, not just those pursuing MDs.

And there's an easy way to implement this technique:

How can you learn like one of Kerfoot's Harvard Medical School
residents? Most email programs allow you to schedule the sending of
messages, making it easy to create a spaced-repetition course for
yourself. Divide up what you need to know—the text of a speech, the
material on an exam—into smaller units, no more than a few sentences
long. Then put the information into emails scheduled to be sent to
yourself at weekly intervals. To achieve the greatest memory-
strengthening effect, mix up old and new material, and put the
information in the form of a question to which you'll have to recall
the answer. You'll find that your email is making you smarter—no all-
nighters necessary.

miércoles, febrero 29, 2012

Suscripciones al grupo de discusión en Yahoo!

Hola, si tienen algún problema con la suscripción al grupo de discusión en Yahoo!
dejen un comentario aquí en el blog.

Para evitar el spam el grupo está configurado para requerir aprobación de cada nueva suscripción. A veces tardo en ver las notificaciones, pero los comentarios en el blog los veo más rápido.
