domingo, julio 01, 2007

La importancia de las proteinas en el desayuno

En un estudio se vió que el hábito de algunos estudiantes de incluir jamón y queso en el desayuno los ayudaba en el rendimiento escolar.

El buen efecto se atribuye a que un desayuno rico en proteínas produce una liberación más lenta de glucosa.

Report: Ideal breakfast has ham, cheese

LONDON, June 24 (UPI) -- A scientific study of British students' eating habits has found eating ham and cheese for breakfast can significantly improve cognitive functioning.
"It is all down to the glucose release of the breakfast into the bloodstream. The slower the release, the better the pupils performed," Benton said of his study's findings.
"The high protein in the breakfast will release into the system slowly, and therefore it will suppress the appetite for longer, and prevent children from snacking," he told the newspaper.