miércoles, julio 08, 2009

Cúrcuma para la falta de sueño y el estrés crónico

Dos artículos que muestran beneficios de la curcumina que nos pueden interesar salieron en The Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw® Life Extension News™ August 2009

Chronic Stress: Curcumin Protection in Chronically Stressed Rats

The authors conclude: "These results raise the possibility that increased cell proliferation and neuronal populations may be a mechanism by which curcumin treatment overcomes the stress-induced behavioral abnormalities and hippocampal neuronal damage. Moreover, curcumin treatment, via up-regulation of 5-HT1A receptors and BDNF, may reverse or protect hippocampal neurons from further damage in response to chronic stress, which may underlie the therapeutic actions of curcumin."

Sleep Deprivation: Curcumin Protects Against Behavioral Alterations and Oxidative Damage in 72 Hour Sleep-Deprived Mice

As the authors explain, "sleep deprivation stimulates hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis resulting in an increased production of corticosterone that leads to cell damage." Excess corticosteroids are known to cause neuronal damage and, hence, impair cognitive function. Curcumin is a powerful scavenger of the superoxide anion, the hydroxyl radical, nitrogen dioxide, and protects against singlet-oxygen-induced DNA strand breaks.1

El problema con la curcumina es la baja biodisponibilidad (ver http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/curcumin). Algunos le agregan biperina, la mezclan con aceite, etc. En el último artículo dan la forma que usan (como siempre promocionan su producto):

The results suggest that, if taking curcumin to help overcome the negative effects of sleep deprivation, take separately from an L-arginine supplement. After a poor night's sleep, we take curcumin the morning after and L-arginine later that day.
The least expensive way to take curcumin (and a method we use) is to take it as whole ground turmeric root (the spice used in cooking, especially heavily in Indian food). One benefit of this source of curcumin (about 40% of ground turmeric is curcumin) is that it contains, in addition to curcumin, chemically related molecules called curcuminoids that are also beneficial.2,3 We generally take 2 capsules of ground turmeric (each containing 600 mg) 3 or 4 times/day in our Turmeric Root Power™ as well as getting more in our brain maintenance formulation GalantaMind Plus™ capsules (no taste!) If you are taking GalantaMind Plus, you are getting 92.8 mg. curcumin (in 2 capsules/day) or 139.2 mg curcumin (in 3 capsules/day) from turmeric root powder.