Nootrópicos (smartdrugs, drogas inteligentes, potenciadores cognitivos) son sustancias artificiales (medicamentos como piracetam, hydergina, citicolina, fosfatidilserina, vinpocetina, etc.) o naturales (suplementos nutricionales, vitaminas, aminoácidos, hormonas, hierbas, etc. como vitaminas B, piroglutamato, Gingko Biloba, fenilalanina, DHEA, pregnenolona, etc.) que se utilizan para mejorar la capacidad cognitiva (memoria, atención, etc.) en personas con trastornos o normales.
lunes, marzo 26, 2007
77 sugerencias para aprender mejor
Los divide en categorías:
Perspective and Focus
Recall Techniques
Visual Aids
Verbal and Auditory Techniques
Kinesthetic Techniques
Self-Motivation Techniques
Supplemental Techniques
For Teachers, Tutors, and Parents
For Students and Self-Studiers
Parting Advice
Sources For This Article
Hacking Knowledge: 77 Ways to Learn Faster, Deeper, and Better
viernes, marzo 23, 2007
Vitaminas B en estomago vacio
¿Alguien ha experimentado o sabe de los efectos de las vitaminas B cuando
se toman fuera de las comidas?.
A mí las vit B me hacen bien y estoy probando repartirlas durante el día en
vez de tomarlas una o dos veces con las comidas. Estoy probando tomarlas en
el desayuno, aunque este sea a veces sólo un café.
viernes, marzo 09, 2007
Omega 3 para la materia gris
BUDAPEST, HUNGARY, March 7 Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fatty fish like salmon, are associated with increased grey matter volume in areas of the brain commonly linked to mood and behavior according to a University of Pittsburgh study.
Animal research has shown that raising omega-3 intake leads to structural brain changes. In a separate study presented by Dr. Conklin at the societys meeting last year, Pitt researchers reported that people who had lower blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids were more likely to have a negative outlook and be more impulsive. Conversely, those with higher blood levels of omega-3s were found to be more agreeable and less likely to report mild or moderate symptoms of depression. In the study being presented today, the researchers sought to investigate if grey matter volume was proportionally related to long-chain omega-3 intake in humans, especially in areas of the brain related to mood, helping them attempt to explain the mechanisms behind the improvement in mood often associated with long-chain omega-3 intake.
The researchers discovered that participants who had high levels of long-chain omega-3 fatty acid intake had higher volumes of grey matter in areas of the brain associated with emotional arousal and regulation the bilateral anterior cingulate cortex, the right amygdala and the right hippocampus.
While this finding suggests that omega-3s may promote structural improvement in areas of the brain related to mood and emotion regulation the same areas where grey matter is reduced in people who have mood disorders such as major depressive disorder investigators note that more research is needed to determine whether fish consumption actually causes changes in the brain.
Lo de siempre, correlación no implica causa, pero hay buenos indicadores afavor de los aceites de pescado.
jueves, marzo 08, 2007
Revista Nueva: Entrenar el cerebro
Entrenar el cerebro
Por todas estas razones, el programa de entrenamiento cognitivo dejó de ser interesante únicamente para las personas que presentaban algún tipo de problema cognitivo per se expone la licenciada Roca. Esto no quiere decir que con el entrenamiento se pueda evitar una enfermedad. Lo que hace es proteger el deterioro cognitivo, suma factores protectores. Es por eso que cada vez son más los centros y hospitales que desarrollan este tipo de programas.