jueves, noviembre 30, 2006

Memoria, estres post-traumatico y propranolol

The Memory Pill

If you experienced a painful or traumatic event, would you want a pill which could lessen the bad memories of what happened? That option might soon be here because of a drug called propranolol.
Videos en 60minutes.yahoo.com

1. Making Memories
See a study showing how memories are made
2. The Drug
Experimenting with propranolol
3. The Study
Could propranolol help treat PTSD?
4.Mind Control?
Are there wrong reasons to use the drug?

jueves, noviembre 16, 2006

Contenido de cafe�na en el mate

Me pasan esta información que es interesante para los que tomamos mate. Los valores de cafeína son más bajos de lo que pensaba y de lo que se indica en páginas en internet.

* La infusión preparada con una cucharadita de Mate Cocido Instantáneo Taragüi aporta aproximadamente
0,002 grs. de cafeína.

* Yerba Mate en cebadura Taragüi: - 50 g en 500 ml -: entre 180 y 220 mg. aproximadamente
(esto teniendo en cuenta el porcentaje de palo, que no contiene cafeína, y
el porcentaje de extractabilidad desde la infusión (aprox. 65%)).

* Mate Cocido Unión: - 3 g en 200 ml -: 27 mg. aproximadamente (teniendo en
cuenta un 100% de extractabilidad).

Relacion entre fumar y deficit de atencion

Los déficits de atención podrian ser motivantes del hábito de fumar y deberísn ser tenidos en cuenta al ahora de realizar tratamientos para dejar de fumar.

Columbia Study Examines ADHD’s Role in Smoking

New York ­ Are you easily forgetful, distracted, impulsive or fidgety? Do you find that smoking helps you alleviate these symptoms?

Columbia University Medical Center researchers are investigating whether these most common symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) could be causing people to smoke. If that is the case, will treatment for ADHD combined with the standard treatment to help people quit smoking ­ the patch with counseling ­ increase the quit rates for smokers trying to quit?

Covey and her colleagues are recruiting smokers who have been diagnosed with ADHD or who may have symptoms of ADHD but have not yet been diagnosed, to be part of a study that will help them quit smoking. Approximately 7-8 million adults in the U.S. have ADHD. Smoking is twice as common in this population as in the general population.

Research has shown that most smoking in the U.S. occurs among people who have psychiatric conditions, such as alcohol or drug abuse, major depression, anxiety and ADHD. One line of research has shown that smokers with these conditions “self-medicate” their symptoms with nicotine, the primary addictive substance in tobacco.

Participants in the study will receive the nicotine patch, behavioral counseling, and a drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of ADHD called methylphenidate (brand name CONCERTA®). Because methylphenidate and nicotine act on the brain in a similar way, the premise is that treatment with methylphenidate when trying to quit smoking may reduce symptoms of ADHD while also reducing tobacco withdrawal symptoms.

martes, noviembre 14, 2006

Libro The Brain Manual

Hay capítulos de muestra en PDF

The Brain Manual

- The step-by-step guide for men to achieving and maintaining mental well-being.

by Dr Ian Banks


Break a leg, burn your hand or cut your finger and the injury is obvious. They're the equivalent of a flat tyre - an easily observed fault. Problems under the bonnet are trickier to deal with. So it is with the human body - the workings inside the head are often beyond comprehension.

Fortunately, you don't have to be a brain surgeon or a rocket scientist to undertake simple maintenance of your mental faculties. But you do need a manual to follow - the new Brain Manual from Haynes.

Written by Dr Ian Banks, author of the NHS Direct Health Care Guide, a frequent broadcaster, President of the European Men's Health Forum and a practising casualty doctor, the Brain Manual emphasises positive steps to improved mental well-being.

There are tips for healthy eating and an explanation of the biophilia effect (why getting close to nature makes us feel better). Relationships and stress are covered as is the effect of ageing on the brain. Brain malfunctions and disorders are explained - with information about how to avoid them or how to cope with their effects.

Functional problems, such as the effects of a stroke, are also included. And there's a useful guide to the likely effects of alcohol and other recreational drugs.

Of course, many people prefer to ignore what is happening ?under the bonnet' but they are dismissing a serious problem. Nearly 13 million working days were lost to stress-related illness in 2004. Some of the causes of stress are not obvious - deaths from heart attack or stroke increase significantly on the day of a big football match for instance.

Some of the many "fact or fiction?" questions answered in :

All brains start life as girl brains.
True! The default brain in the developing foetus is female.

People can hear colour.
Strange as this may sound, it is fact. Approximately 1 in 25,000 people have this condition called synaesthesia - meaning joined sensation.

Humans only use 10% of their brains.
This is a popular myth but false.

Los examenes mejoran la memoria

A pesar de ser insufribles ahora parece que haypruebas 2científicas" de que los exámenes son "buenos". Eso si no te matan de ansiedad...

Testing Boosts Memory

By Jennifer Cutraro

Students who break into a cold sweat at the thought of a pop quiz might feel better once they learn about a side effect of test-taking: The practice appears to enhance memory, possibly even more than studying. What's more, according to a new study, testing also helps students remember material that wasn't on the exam in the first place.

Over the past several years, cognitive scientists have documented a phenomenon called the "testing effect," in which taking a test, rather than studying, boosts an individual's ability to remember the material later on. The research led psychology doctoral student Jason Chan and his colleagues at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, to wonder whether testing also affects memory for untested materials.

To test the theory, the team had 84 undergraduate students read a passage about toucans, a topic the researchers believed would be unfamiliar to psychology undergraduates. After reading the passage, one-third of the students were dismissed, one-third were asked to read an additional set of study materials that covered the same information as the original passage, and one-third were asked to take a brief short-answer test on the original material. The next day, all participants returned to take a final short-answer test, which included questions from the previous day's brief test as well as new questions.

jueves, noviembre 09, 2006

Efecto del estres cronico sobre la atencion

Chronic stress affects attention by altering neuronal growth in the brain (ver completo)

Anxiety and depression can make a person feel as if he’s battling his own brain, complete with wounds and scars. Traumatic events ­ war, divorce, the death of a loved one ­ can trigger these disorders, and scientists are just beginning to clarify the biological connection. Now, working neuron by neuron, researchers have found that life experiences actually appear to change the length and complexity of individual brain cells. In a recent study published in The Journal of Neuroscience, Rockefeller University scientists show that chronic daily stress affected neurons in two different areas of the rat brain, showing for the first time a link between anxiety symptoms and the dynamic anatomy of the brain.

One of the characteristic manifestations of prolonged stress is decreased performance in tasks that require attention, including the ability to shift focus as well as to learn and unlearn information. Bruce McEwen, Rockefeller’s Alfred E. Mirsky Professor and head of the Harold and Margaret Milliken Hatch Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology, was interested in finding out how this translates to changes in the brain itself. So he and Conor Liston, a graduate student in McEwen’s lab, compared neuronal change in stressed and unstressed rats.

The researchers stressed out a dozen rats by keeping them in painless restraints for six hours a day. Then, after 21 days, they used a complex progression of trials to test how quickly the rats learned to make associations between different cues and the location of hidden food. First, Liston provided two different materials for the rats to dig in, such as sand and sawdust, and buried food consistently under only one. Next, he left the food in the same material but scented it with strong spices (like cumin or nutmeg) that were unrelated to the food’s location.

domingo, noviembre 05, 2006

Rejunte de links sobre Sapolsky

transcript of 's How I Write Conversation.


datos biograficos

Depression in the Brain

Anxiety (cited)

Weblog post about Sapolsky with links

Taming Stress
An emerging understanding of the brain's stress pathways points toward
treatments for anxiety and depression beyond Valium and Prozac
By Robert Sapolsky

'Monkeyluv': Primates Are People, Too
Published: November 6, 2005

"Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers"
by David Ruenzel

Dr. Robert Sapolsky is a Professor of Neurology at Stanford University.
Dr.Sapolsky Spoke at the Brain Connection to Education Spring Conference 2000.

A Conversation With Robert Sapolsky
by Simon Hanson, Ph.D.

Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers : An Updated Guide To Stress, Stress Related
Diseases, and Coping ("Scientific American" Library) (Paperback)
by Robert M. Sapolsky

También buscar en Google video y YouTube.

viernes, noviembre 03, 2006

DHA, p300 latency and Memory

DHA and Memory

Myanaga, K, Yonemura, K et al. DHA Shortens p300 latency in healthy persons. International Conference on Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acids in Nutrition and Disease Prevention 1996. Barcelona, Spain.

A certain type of brain wave called p300 is linked to memory and learning. The faster the rate of transmission, the more efficiently the brain is functioning. The rate declines with age, and is slower in people with dementia. To demonstrate if Omega-3 fatty acids influence this brain function, researchers took 26 normal adult volunteers hooked them up to electrodes and gave them a test that determined their p300 rate. Immediately after taking the test, they were given supplements of either EPA or DHA (both are derivatives of Omega-3 from fish). Two hours later, their brain waves were measured, and this time the p300 rate was significantly faster in the group given the DHA supplements, supporting their hypothesis that DHA might enhance mental abilities in adults as well.