sábado, noviembre 26, 2005

vida media de los nutrientes

La vida media de ciertos nutrientes, especialmente los hidrosolubles (ADEK son las vitaminas liposulubles), es corta. Por vida media se entiende el tiempo que tarda una dada cantidad de una sustancia en reducirse su concrentración en el cuerpo a la mitad por procesos biológicos.

La vida media de la vitamina B1 es de 2.5 horas. Por lo tanto conviene distribuir las dosis en varias tomas en el día o usar fórmulas de liberación controlada.

"The half-lives of certain important nutrients, especially water-soluble ones, such as the B-vitamins, are relatively short. (Half-life is the time required for any given amount or concentration of a nutrient to decrease by half, through biological processes.)

For example, the half-life of oral thiamine (vitamin B1) is only about 2.5 hours.1 So if it’s advantageous to maintain high levels of this vitamin (in your liver, for example) and not to let down your safety shield, it’s advisable to take three, or preferably four, servings daily. Otherwise your body is left with less than optimal protection against free radicals and is thus more susceptible to disease. With regard to vitamin C, which also has a short half-life, Linus Pauling advocated taking it throughout the day in divided doses, which overcomes this problem.2

Tallaksen CM, Sande A, Bohmer T, Bell H, Karlsen J. Kinetics of thiamin and thiamin phosphate esters in human blood, plasma and urine after 50 mg intravenously or orally. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1993;44(1):73-8.
Hickey S, Roberts H. Ascorbate: The Science of Vitamin C. Lulu Press, Inc., Napa, California, 2004."


lunes, noviembre 14, 2005

Conferencia sobre extension de la vida en Atlanta

Se realizó la primera conferencia del Immortality Institute Life Extension Conference en Atlanta, GA el 5 de noviembre de 2005.

Hay una serie de trabajos que se pueden ver sobre temas que nos pueden interesar porque tienen que ver con la extensión de la vida, la biología, el cerebro, la inteligencia, etc.

La página principal es: http://www.imminst.org/conference/

There were a number of media and film teams covering the event.  ImmInst has planned a DVD of the even to be available soon.

Pictures of the conference are found here:

Speakers power points (13) are found here: 

Randy Wicker(ImmInst Advisor) has some conference video here:

lunes, noviembre 07, 2005

BrainConnection.com - Tests Stress = Problems For Students

BrainConnection.com - Tests Stress = Problems For Students - Page 1: "
Tests Stress = Problems For Students
July 2000
by Daniel Edelstein

Anecdotal reports from educators, combined with a surge in prescriptions for such medications as Ritalin and Prozac, suggest that students are experiencing increased stress in the classroom. At the root of the problem, some researchers suggest, are schools that primarily rank students based on their test scores."

viernes, noviembre 04, 2005

Inhaladores y parches de nicotina

Hay formas de administración de nicotina que tienen muchos menos efectos perjudiciales que fumar. ¿Pero cuán segura es la nicotina?.

The New Brain Power from Philip Morris

Yep, it’s true. When nicotine-dependent human subjects abstain from cigarette smoking, they exhibit a decline in working memory. [Biological Psychiatry 58: 143-50, 2005] In fact, how are we going to tell the public, after all the years of saying nicotine in cigarettes is potentially harmful, that nicotine is maybe the best memory enhancing brain stimulant available. Nicotine skin patches could actually be used to enhance memory, or even treat Alzheimer’s disease. Nicotine skin patches even improve attention function among people with Attention Deficit Disorder! Better yet, nicotine is safe. [Current Drug Targets CNS Neurological Disorders 4: 423-31, 2002]

Get this, nicotine-treated mice develop less beta amyloid plaque in their brain than sugar-fed animals. Researchers in Sweden say nicotine drug treatment may be a novel protective therapy in Alzheimer's disease. [J Neurochemistry 81:655-8, 2002]

Here is where Philip Morris, the tobacco giant, comes in. According to a report in the Los Angeles Times, “Philip Morris has developed an inhaler that could deliver a nicotine mist deep into the lungs, giving smokers a satisfying dose of the addictive drug without the carcinogens, gases and toxic metals that make tobacco smoke so dangerous.”

Ver nota completa en knowledgeofhealth.com