viernes, octubre 21, 2005

El aceite de lino incrementa el EPA

Este estudio es interesante porque muchas veces se dice que no es muy seguro que los aceites Omega 3 se conviertan adecuadamente en EPA (que está presente en los aceites de pescado junto con DHA y que es bueno para las arterias y el cerebro).

Eur J Clin Nutr. 1995 Mar;49(3):169-78. Related Articles, Links         

Supplementation with flaxseed oil versus sunflowerseed oil in healthy young men consuming a low fat diet: effects on platelet composition and function.

Allman MA, Pena MM, Pang D.

Department of Biochemistry, University of Sydney, Australia.
 The platelet eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) more than doubled in the group taking flaxseed oil
This study provides further evidence that consumption of alpha-linolenic acid-rich oils may offer protective effects against cardiovascular disease over linoleic acid-rich oils via their ability to decrease the tendency of platelets to aggregate.

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