martes, agosto 30, 2005

Como aprender mas en el mismo tiempo

Curioso método para aprender más en el mismo tiempo. Para analizar.

Open Loops: A Secret They Should Have Taught You In School: How to Learn More with No Extra Effort : " The brain learns more at the start of the learning and the end of the learning (the beginning and end of the data set). Your teachers have known this for a long time. This is why the beginning and end of a class is the most important. At the beginning of the class, the teacher should spell out the learning goals of the period and provide some teacher input. An overview of the procedures to be followed are also usually taught at the beginning of the period. At the end of the period, the teacher sums everything up and hits the most important parts again. They do that because students remember what is taught at the beginning and end of the class much more accurately than what is taught in the middle of the period.

How can you exploit this? When you are learning something for your job, simply increase the number of starts and stops in your study time. That’s right, simply throw some breaks in the study period to break it up into more starts and stops. By tossing in two 10–minute breaks into one three-hour study period, you can now have three one-hour study periods, each separated by a 10–minute break. Instead of one start and one stop, you now have three starts and three stops. Although you have increased the time from three hours to three hours and twenty minutes, there is still only three hours of study time. The additional time are rest breaks. You have not studied any harder or longer, yet, the Primacy and Recency Effect guarantees that you will remember more of your learning.

To go fast…go slow."

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