sábado, diciembre 10, 2011

Dos estudios sobre el guaraná

Dos interesantes estudios (texto completo) sobre el guaraná el el
sitio de una babiba energizante isaraelí http://www.drinkwakeup.com/


A clinical study conducted by the British Psychopharmacology Board
published in 2007 in the Journal of Psychopharmacology examined the
range of effects of a standard Guarana extract of varying dosages (37.
5 mg, 75 mg, 150 mg, 300 mg). Results proved that the lowest dosages
achieved the best results, although in all dosages there was an
improvement in the secondary memory, alertness and mood.


Lo cual muestra que más no siemrpe es mejor.

Guarana Versus Coffee

A comparative research between Guarana, Coffee and Yerba Mate studied
the effectiveness towards improved alertness during the noontime. The
results of this study have shown that Guarana is more effective than
coffee and Yerba Mate in improving alertness


1 comentario:

Nootrópicos dijo...

Perdón por los errores de tipeo pero no puedo editar el post por el moento.