In the brain of a person with Alzheimer's disease, small proteins called
amyloid â aggregate into plaques, and a protein called tau clumps into
neurofibrillary tangles. The brain becomes inflamed and neurons atrophy and
die. It's not completely clear what kind of amyloid â peptide (monomers,
oligomeric aggregates, or fibrillar aggregates) is responsible for the
onset of disease, said St George-Hyslop of the University of Toronto.
"Because we were able to show that scyllo-inositol specifically dispersed
the high-molecular-weight oligomeric aggregates, this study confirms that
the initiating event is the accumulation of oligomeric aggregates of
amyloid â peptide, he said.
A Sweet Solution to Alzheimer's Disease?

Nootrópicos (smartdrugs, drogas inteligentes, potenciadores cognitivos) son sustancias artificiales (medicamentos como piracetam, hydergina, citicolina, fosfatidilserina, vinpocetina, etc.) o naturales (suplementos nutricionales, vitaminas, aminoácidos, hormonas, hierbas, etc. como vitaminas B, piroglutamato, Gingko Biloba, fenilalanina, DHEA, pregnenolona, etc.) que se utilizan para mejorar la capacidad cognitiva (memoria, atención, etc.) en personas con trastornos o normales.