Monday, July 31, 2006
Dietary supplements for mental decline (Alzheimer's)
Knowledge of Health, Inc., Blog August 1, 2006: So moms in the nursing home, loaded up with ineffective drugs to help overcome signs of senility and memory loss, plus other drugs for blood pressure and circulation. A small study of 35 such patients (average age 71 years) shows that the addition of dietary supplements (multivitamin, vitamin E, lipoic acid, coenzyme Q10, omega-3 oils) along with physical exercise and sound dietary measures slowed the decline in brain function and actually improved memory and other brain functions. [American Journal Alzheimers Disease 20: 21-26, 2005] Now all you have to do is get the doctor to go along with the idea. Copyright 2006 Bill Sardi, Knowledge of Health, Inc.

Nootrópicos (smartdrugs, drogas inteligentes, potenciadores cognitivos) son sustancias artificiales (medicamentos como piracetam, hydergina, citicolina, fosfatidilserina, vinpocetina, etc.) o naturales (suplementos nutricionales, vitaminas, aminoácidos, hormonas, hierbas, etc. como vitaminas B, piroglutamato, Gingko Biloba, fenilalanina, DHEA, pregnenolona, etc.) que se utilizan para mejorar la capacidad cognitiva (memoria, atención, etc.) en personas con trastornos o normales.